Internal customs borders among EU Member States have been removed which means that customs clearance of the goods on the Latvian - Lithuanian and Latvian - Estonian border is no longer carried out. Customs control is performed only at the external borders of the EU, on the borders of Latvia with Russia and –with Belarus, as well as in ports, airports and inland customs offices. Freight transit processing is considerably simplified – only one transit document (customs declaration) is needed, which is valid throughout the EU customs territory. Only on the external borders of the EU veterinary, phytosanitary and safety control formalities are done for transit cargos. Cargo that has been examined once entering the EU territory is not controlled when re-crossing the border of another Member State. Customs formalities for transit cargo are carried out only at the external border checkpoints of the European Union. In Latvian ports customs formalities are significantly reduced for mainly transit cargoes are being formed at ports of another EU Member States. Value-added and excise tax relief are applied only in the free ports for transit cargoes and goods, which are imported with the application of appropriate customs regimes. The Latvian transport infrastructure, geographic location and service tariffs are the main transit advantages over other EU transit routes.

Under the terms of the Schengen Agreement there are no border controls for EU citizens in the EU Member States.

Since 21 December 2007 when Latvia joined the Schengen area no border control on persons is performed at the existing border control points on the internal borders with Lithuania and Estonia and Latvian ports. In 30 March 2008 border control on persons was also terminated at the airports.

Boreder management programme in Centra Azia (BOMCA)

The programme is implemented by a consortium of EU institutions and the International Centre for Migration Policy Development and led by the State Border Guard for the Republic of Latvia. The programme aims to improve security and stability, and to ensure sustainable growth in the region, as well as to support cross-border cooperation through integrated border management. BOMCA 10 includes four components: institutional development of border management agencies, improvement of infringement detection and investigation capacities, facilitation of legal cross-border trade, and improvement of cross-border cooperation.  

The SRS National Customs Board has been identified as the institution responsible for the implementation of the activities under the third component. In order to ensure the implementation of the BOMCA 10 activities aimed at facilitation of legal cross-border trade, the SRS National Customs Board will cooperate with the Food and Veterinary Service and the International Business and Customs Institute of Riga Technical University. The SRS National Customs Board has already initiated the first activities by organizing online technical assistance missions to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan on analysis of the applicable legislation on transit.

BOMCA is the leading programme in Central Asia financed by the EU. The total funding of BOMCA 10 is EUR 21.65 million. The programme is implemented in five countries of Central Asia – Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.  

Additional information

  • Checks - Border crossing information (24h) T: +371 67075616
  • Customs control - Complaints hotline (24h) +371 80009070
  • Veterinary, phytosanitary, safety and security control - Phone +371 67095230
  • Border management programe in centras Azia (BOMCA) -


Border crossing points

List of the customs border points of the Republic of Latvia and additional information.

Border Countrol

The border controls on persons and vehicles at the EU internal borders, internal ferry and aviation lines have been abolished since 21 December 2007. Nationals of all countries, who have entered legally in Schengen area, move freely across internal borders.

Customs Control

Customs control is performed by customs institutions of the State Revenue Service of the Republic of Latvia (customs institutions). Goods imported in the EU customs territory and exported out of this territory are under control of Customs.

Veterinary, plant health, safety and security control

In its activities the Food and Veterinary Service implements monitoring concept of “from field to table”.